AOAC: 920.203:  Manganese in Water

  • Summary
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  • Revisions
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Official Method Name
Manganese in Water by Persulfate Method
Current Revision
Spectroscopy (Colorimetry; Photometry)
Method Subcategory
Method Source
  Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International, 16th Edition, 4th Revision, 1998 Volume I
Brief Method Summary
Evaporate samples to dryness per AOAC Method 920.202. Redissolve the remaining insoluble with HNO3 (1+1), evaporate again to dryness, and then treat with water, HNO3 and a little AgNO3 solution. If precipitate of AgCl appears, additional AgNO3 is added to remove the remaining silver, then filter to remove precipitate. Add ammonium persulfate to the filtrate, and heat over a steam bath until a pick color develops (after approximately 20 minutes). Compare color to a set of known standards prepared in a similar fashion.
Scope and Application
This method is applicable to the determination of manganese in water by colorimetry.
Applicable Concentration Range
None given.
Not specified in method.
Quality Control Requirements
Not Included
Sample Handling
No information given.
Maximum Holding Time
Relative Cost
Less than $50
Sample Preparation Methods