EPA-EAD: 1624B: Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS
Official Method Name
Method 1624, Revision B: Volatile Organic Compounds by Isotope Dilution GC/MS |
Current Revision
| 40 CFR Part 136, Appendix A (Current Edition) |
Gas Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry Detection |
Method Subcategory
Organic |
Method Source
Brief Method Summary
Stable isotopically labeled analogs of the compounds of interest are added to a 5 mL water sample. The sample is purged at 20-25oC with an inert gas where the volatile organic compounds are transferred from the aqueous phase into the gaseous phase and passed into a sorbent column and trapped. After purging is completed, the trap is backflushed and heated rapidly to desorb the compounds into a gas chromatograph (GC) where they are separated and detected by a mass spectrometer (MS). |
Scope and Application
This method determines the volatile toxic organic pollutants that are amenable to purge and trap gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). |
Applicable Concentration Range
Not Available. |
(A) Analytical system: Impurities in the purge gas, organic compounds out-gassing from the plumbing upstream of the trap, and solvent vapors can interfere. (B) Sample contamination: Samples can be contaminated by diffusion of volatile organic compounds through the bottle seal during shipment and storage. (C) Carry-over: Rinse the purging device and sample syringe with reagent water between samples. |
Quality Control Requirements
The minimum requirements consist of an initial demonstration of laboratory capability, analysis of samples spiked with labeled compounds to evaluate and document data quality, and analysis of standards and blanks as tests of continued performance. |
Sample Handling
Collect grab samples in glass containers having a total volume greater than 20 mL. Make sure no air bubbles are entrapped and maintain the hermetic seal until analysis. Store at 0-4oC from time of collection until analysis. If residual chlorine is present, add 10mg/40mL of sodium thiosulfate prior to collection. Adjust pH to about 2 by adding HCl (1+1) while stirring. |
Maximum Holding Time
14 days (after collection) |
Relative Cost
Greater than $400 |
Sample Preparation Methods
None. |