Standard Methods: 3500-Zn B:  Zinc by Zincon Method

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Official Method Name
3500-Zn B. Zincon Method
Current Revision
Standard Methods Online
Spectroscopy (Colorimetry; Photometry)
Method Subcategory
Method Source
  Standard Methods
  Standard Methods Online - Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater
Brief Method Summary
Zinc forms a blue complex with 2-carboxy-2'-hydroxy-5'-sulfoformazyl benzene (zincon) in a solution buffered to pH 9.0. Cyanide is added to complex zinc and heavy metals. Cyclohexanone is added to free zinc selectively from its cyanide complex so that it can be complexed with zincon to form a blue color. Sodium ascorbate reduces manganese interference. The developed color is stable except in the presence of copper.
Scope and Application
The zincon method, suitable for analysis of both potable and polluted waters, may be used if instrunemtation for other methods is not available.
Applicable Concentration Range
0.25-7.0 mg Zn/L (can be extended, per method)
The following species interfere to varying degrees: cadmium(II), aluminum(III), manganese(III), iron(II &III), chromium(III), nickel(II), copper(II), cobalt(II), and chromate. A table in the method lists the concentrations at which these species interfere.
Quality Control Requirements
See Section 3020 Quality Assurance/Quality Control.
Sample Handling
Plastic or glass containers. Add HNO3 to pH <2.
Maximum Holding Time
6 months (See Section 1060)
Relative Cost
Less than $50
Sample Preparation Methods