USGS-NWQL: I-3492-96:  Molybdenum in Water by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorp ...

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Official Method Name
Molybdenum, Whole water Recoverable
Current Revision
Graphite Furnace-Atomic Absorption Spectrometer
Method Subcategory
Method Source
Jones, S.R., and McLain, B.J., 1997, Methods of analysis by the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Quality Laboratory -- Determination of molybdenum in water by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectophotometry: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-198.
Brief Method Summary
Molybdenum determination by GF-AAS requires placing a small volume of sample in a graphite tube, which is held between two graphite rings with quartz windows at each end. The tube is pyrolytically coated with high-density carbon to reduce the formation of nonvolatile carbides and prevent surface adsorption of the sample onto the wall of the graphite tube, resulting in longer tube life (Ghe and others, 1983, p. 711). The sample is evaporated to dryness, pyrolized, and atomized using specified temperatures and high-temperature ramping. The absorbance second signal is produced and compared to standards. Background noise is corrected using Zeeman-effect background correction, that is, a magnetic field is turned on and off at approximately 60 hertz (cycles per second) during atomization, causing the sample signal to split into polarized and nonpolarized components that correct for background interference.
Scope and Application
This method is used to analyze filtered and nonfiltered water samples for dissolved and whole water recoverable (WWR) analysis. Using a 20 uL sample and Zeeman background correction, the method is applicable in the range from 1 to 50 ug/L. Sample solutions that contain molybdenum concentrations exceeding the upper limit of the analytical range must be diluted and reanalyzed or analyzed by an alternate method. Furnace temperature programs, volumes, matrix modifiers, and other instrumental settings may be modified provided that characteristic mass (plus or minus 20 percent) is maintained, and the method detection limit (MDL) is met or improved. Characteristic mass (MO) best describes instrumental and operational performance; it is defined as the mass of an analyte, in picograms, required to produce a signal of 0.0044 absorbance-seconds (a-s), so that instrument performance and optimization can be evaluated (Beaty, 1988, p. 5-1).
Applicable Concentration Range
1 - 50 (undiluted)
"Sulfate interferes with the GF-AAS determination of molybdenum in aqueous solutions with concentrations of only 0.5 percent weight per volume (w/v) sodium sulfate (Na2SO4), causing complete elimination of the molybdenum absorbance peak in solutions free of other salts" (Emerick, 1987, p. 69). To reduce the sulfate interference, a matrix modifier is used. The use of magnesium nitrate in conjunction with ammonium phosphate as a matrix modifier reduces the sulfate interference considerably. To rule out matrix interferences, all samples with specific conductances greater than or equal to 5,000 uS/cm should be diluted or spiked, or both. Carbide may form in the furnace environment because molybdenum binds with carbon to form MoC, resulting in some signal loss. "During the drying step, MoO3 is formed; it melts at 1,340oC and is further converted by carbon to Mo2C with pyrolysis temperatures up to 2,150oC. Above 2,250oC, the Mo2C is converted to MoC and Mo. The absorbance signal is larger if ashing [pyrolysis] does not exceed 2,100oC. This minimizes the formation of MoC, some of which remains after the atomization step" (Slavin, 1984, p. 123), causing memory effects. The use of pyrolytically coated tubes helps to reduce the formation of carbides. The high temperature (approximately 2,700oC) for cleanout is necessary to remove the MoC found on the wall of the graphite tube, but it reduces tube life considerably. To decrease memory effects and increase tube life, multiple, short, high-temperature clean-out steps are suggested rather than one long clean-out step. Additional interference information can be found in USGS OFR 97-198.
Quality Control Requirements
Quality-control samples area analyzed at a minimum of one in every ten samples. These QC samples include at least one of each of the following: blanks, quality control samples, third party check solutions, replicates, and spikes. Correlation coefficients for calibration curves must be at least 0.99. QC samples must fall within 1.5 standard deviations of the mean value. If all of the data-acceptance criteria in the SOPs are met, then the analytical data are acceptable.
Sample Handling
Description: 250 mL Polyethylene bottle, acid-rinsed. Treatment and Preservation: Filter through 0.45-um filter, use filtered sample to rinse containers and acidify sample with nitric acid (HNO3) to pH < 2.
Maximum Holding Time
180 days from sampling
Relative Cost
Less than $50
Sample Preparation Methods