EPA-RCA: 9320:  Radium-228 in groundwater

  • Summary
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Official Method Name
Method 9320: Radium 228
Current Revision
September, 1986
Beta Gas Proportional Counter
Method Subcategory
Method Source
  SW-846 Online: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods
Brief Method Summary
The radium in the water sample is collected by coprecipitation with barium and lead sulfate and purified by reprecipitation from EDTA solution. Both radium-226 and radium-228 are collected in this manner. After a 36-hr ingrowth of actinium-228 from radium-228, the actinium-228 is carried on yttrium oxalate, purified and beta counted. If radium-226 is also desired, the activity in the supernatant can be reserved for coprecipitation on barium sulfate, dissolving in EDTA and storing for ingrowth in a sealed radon bubbler.
Scope and Application
This method covers the measurement of radium-228 in ground water and, if desired, the determination of radium-226 on the same sample. If the level of radium-226 is above 3 pCi/L, the sample must also be measured for radium-228. This technique is devised so that the beta activity from actinium-228, which is produced by decay of radium-228, can be determined and related to the radium-228 that is present in the sample. To quantify actinium-228 and thus determine radium-228, the efficiency of the beta counter for measuring the very short half-lived actinium-228 (avg. beta energy of 0.404 keV) is to be calibrated with a beta source of comparable average beta energy.
Applicable Concentration Range
As evidenced by the results of the performance studies, the presence of strontium-90 in the water sample gives a positive bias to the radium-228 activity measured. However, strontium-90 is not likely to be found in ground water, except possibly in monitoring wells around a radioactive burial site. Excess barium in the water sample might result in a falsely high chemical yield.
Quality Control Requirements
Minimum of one blank per sample batch. Include one spike duplicate for every 10 samples.
Sample Handling
Samples should be preserved when collected using nitric acid.
Maximum Holding Time
Relative Cost
$51 to $200
Sample Preparation Methods